
Mashed Potatoes and Puree of Aubergines

Mashed Potatoes

  • potatoes
  • olive oil
  • lemon
  • salt
  • garlic
  • dried chilli peppers (quantity depends on how many people you’d like to feed)
Boil the potatoes for 25 minutes. Peel and mash. Season with olive oil, salt, lemon juice, garlic and red hot chilli peppers

Puree of Aubergines

  • aubergines
  • salt
  • lemon
  • garlic
  • olive oil
Prick the aubergines with a fork to prevent bursting. Put the aubergines into the oven, grill at 180 degrees. Peel and mash, season with salt, garlic , lemon juice, oil. That's all. Tastes even better, if you grill the aubergines on the barbecue over a wood fire at your garden party.


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